Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Growing Edible Natives & Secrets to Growing the Yam Daisy

Free workshops on Saturday, 14 March with Steven Hoepfner

Workshop funded by the NRM levy through the Adelaide & Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board

9.30am Edible Native Plants and How to Grow them https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/94087402955

Edible native plants and how to grow them 
In this informative workshop, Steven Hoepfner from Wagtail Urban Farm will show you how to choose the right plant, select a site in your garden and care for your bush tucker plants to ensure your best chance for success. Many common pitfalls can be overcome with simple tips that can be applied to all manner of plants. Each participant will get to take home an edible native plant for their garden.

11am Secrets to Growing the Yam Daisy https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/94087605561

Secrets to Growing the Yam Daisy
Ever walked around the bush and wondered what people ate out there? The reason you can’t see all the food is because it’s mostly underground! For nearly a decade, Steven Hoepfner has been researching native edible tubers such as the Yam Daisy (this once widespread bush tucker plant is mentioned in Bruce Pascoe’s book ‘Dark Emu’). In this workshop Steven will demonstrate how to create and maintain a Yam Daisy patch in the garden. Each participant will get to take home their own packet of Yam Daisy seeds to grow.

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