Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Announcement – new site for Farmers Market!

On Saturday, 7 August the Willunga Farmers Market will be relocated to the Willunga High School for a period of 12 months due to the ongoing uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic.

The sentiment of the Willunga Farmers Market Board has been very much in favor of the Market remaining in Willunga Town Square and many considerations were being made to enable this.

Unfortunately, with the lockdown of the past week and continuing uncertainty over the Covid-19 pandemic among other operational issues, these plans have been placed on hold and the Board has made the difficult decision to relocate. 

It is the view of the Board that we are going to continue to be subject to instant lock downs for the foreseeable future, and we want to be in a position to hold the Market in an uninterrupted fashion despite what the COVID regulations deliver us. The Willunga High School site will allow us to do that. 

“We regret that recent circumstances beyond our control have driven us to reach this decision.  We have not made the decision lightly and very much wish we had not had to make it” Pip Forrester, WFM Chair

We understand that concerns may be raised amongst the local Community regarding the relocation of the Market and the impact on the Willunga township, however the viability of the Market and the stability of trade for the many small businesses who trade at the Market each week must remain our priority.

Operating the Market in the large, open site at Willunga High School for the next 12 months provides clear direction to our Stallholders, Staff, Volunteers and Shoppers. 

The importance of community safety must remain our priority.

Why now and not before when the pandemic started?
We never imagined that the operational changes we made back in March 2020, would be ongoing some 17 months later.

Why not move the Market to the High Street?
There is a lack of power resources and no public toilets. The cost of weekly road closures is considerable and there is an impact on residents of High Street

Why not hold the Market in Willunga Rec Park?
Willunga Rec Park is already a well utilized Community space, home to various annual events, the monthly Willunga Quarry Market, and seasonal Community Sport

Could stalls be located in St Peters Terrace and the Library Carpark?
A lengthy Community consultation process would be required for this to progress further with an application to the Department of Transport to close a main intersection in the town.  Traffic diversion from High Street through Bridge St and St Lukes Tce would also require temporary parking controls and engaging costly weekly Traffic Management services.

Spreading the Market across 2 sites works well, why not continue?
The safety of the Main Road crossing has been of considerable ongoing concern amongst customers of the market and the community.  Whilst we were considering an application for reducing the speed limit with support of the City of Onkaparinga, the labor costs associated with such an operation are considerable.

Can I bring my Dog to the Market at Willunga High School?
The grounds of the WHS are dog free – we are however working with the High School to have a grassed area available where a member of your family can wait with your dog whilst you shop.  We need to be respectful of the school grounds and also comply with the health and safety aspect of dogs not entering stall areas (one person shopping with a dog/s cannot comply with this rule).

How will I get to the Market at the High School?
The Willunga High School can be accessed along the Main Road footpath – a short 10-minute walk from the current Town Square location.

Street vehicle parking and onsite parking is available, and for the first month a Community Bus will run between Town Square and the Willunga High School.

Will carparking be improved at the High School?
There is an opportunity for us to expand parking at Willunga High School and we will be investigating this with the school.  Carpark Marshals will be onsite to manage the carpark.

Is there accessible parking close to the Market?
Yes, both carparks at Willunga High School will have accessible parking – view the map on our website.  The southern most carpark has 8 accessible parks that provide the closest access into the Market area with no incline.

Do I have to pay for carparking at the Willunga High School?
We are pleased to have the continued volunteer support of the Willunga Bowling Club to provide Carpark Marshalls, they will collect a gold coin donation.

Is there free parking at Willunga High School
Yes, street parking is available on the eastern side of Main Road.

I have more questions, who should I contact?
Please contact the Willunga Farmers Market via info@willungafarmersmarket.com.au

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