Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Ins & Outs for 9 May 2020

Shop and Go at Willunga Farmers Market this Saturday! Wash hands on entry to the Market, observe social distancing and direction from volunteers, “touch it, you buy it”??? 8AM – UNTIL 12noon

Please follow the social distancing guidelines below

INs & OUTs for Saturday, 9 May

In – Falkai Farms, Lillyarra Cheese, Fleurieu Garlic, Milkless Cheese, Kondoprias Family, Myponga Water Buffalo, Sabella Wines, The Culturehood & Warrakilla

Out – Adelaide Hills Avocado (season finished), Gentleman Jerky, Barmera Sweet Potato & Hillside Herbs (both trading fortnightly)

Download the Market Map here
Town Square (Bread, eggs, milk, dairy, meat, wine etc)
Willunga Recreation Park (Fruit Fruit, Vegetables & Coffee!)

Please do not visit the market as a group – one shopper per family where possible please ? It is very important that all shoppers follow the social distancing guidelines – we have been able to continue to trade during this time as an essential service and have been very proud of our community for following the rules outlined by State Government. Lets not become complacent now – enjoy your shopping but remember to
K E E P Y O U R D I S T A N C E ?

Please follow the direction of Market volunteers at all times.

Please Shop Considerately – the following will be enforced;

– Queue Distantly / 1.5m, follow direction from stallholders & WFM Staff
– Could one person shop for your family?  NO groups
– Electronic payments will be accepted at more stalls
– Use your bag to pick up the food you want
– Don’t touch food you are not buying 
– Wash your hands on entry into the Market
– Do not allow children to handle food 
– Wash produce well before consuming at home

Do not visit the market if you are feeling unwell – anyone displaying flu like symptoms will be asked to leave the market immediately.

Town Square “wooden seating” is a rest point only – no gathering or lingering

8am open (no early arrivals)  Stall holders have many changes to adapt to and your patience in arriving after 8am is appreciated.  

No food or wine tasting until further notice.

Stay up to date on the latest market news