Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Update to FAQ

The Willunga Farmers Market has been operating in the grounds of the Willunga High School since August 2021. This decision was made in July 2021 due to the ongoing uncertainty around the global pandemic. Our members were informed that the Market would be relocating for 12 months with a review in February 2022. Members (past and present) and stallholders have recently provided feedback on a range of Market matters. The WFM are now engaging an external consultant to review this information as well as many aspects of the future of the WFM for example, site, Market mix, tourism, and sustainability.

In the meantime, the WFM Board wish to provide an update to some frequently asked questions.

Restrictions are easing why can’t the Market move back to Town Square?
The Willunga Farmers Market is still considered a public activity with over one hundred people and density requirements continue to apply to us.

The Willunga High School allows us to set up the Market in a COVID safe environment which is highly valued by many of our stallholders and shopper community

Even before the pandemic we had planned to undertake a site review as Town Square was at capacity. We are now able to be able to conduct this review while the Market is operating on a consistently stable interim site. It gives us the time and resources to ensure the sustainability and viability of the Willunga Farmers Market and to explore the future opportunities for tourism and the Willunga community.

Why doesn’t the Market move to High Street now?
In the past High Street has been an alternative Market site to accommodate other events and join with traders however is not suitable as a weekly site due to lack of facilities and would require an extensive investment in infrastructure including power, toilets, and road diversions.

Why not return to the split site arrangement with Recreation Park & Town Square?
Rec Park is in demand as a site for many other events such as community sport (football, netball, and cricket), the regular Quarry Market and other seasonal events. These all have priority over the market’s use of the site which makes it difficult to maintain a regular setup.
The road crossing also poses a risk to shoppers and road users as we are unable to establish a formal crossing for market days.

Is St Peters Tce and use of the Library carpark an option?
This option is under consideration and the City of Onkaparinga will soon commence Community Engagement Process regarding road closure, no parking etc. However the cost of this option is significant.

Will we ever be allowed to bring our dogs to the market again?
Our dog friendly zone on the grassed, shady area is well utilised. We welcome all dogs and dog owners to enjoy the area whilst family member’s shop. Thank you to our members for their co-operation and respect.  Assistance dogs are of course exempt from the rule provided they are wearing a harness that indicates their status or the owner is able to provide documentation to market staff.

How are you managing parking arrangements?
More accessible parking is available at the site and the installation of a second gate in the Southern carpark has improved traffic flow. As with every large event involving pedestrians and vehicles, we ask all drivers to use caution and patience whilst entering and exiting the Market site.

A gold coin donation can be made to the volunteers in the Southern carpark – the contribution of their time supports safety and puts money back into the community group.

The site at the high school doesn’t have the same atmosphere as Town Square. What can we do?
We understand that a different site will have a different atmosphere. Rest assured it is the same stall holders and the same delicious local produce. We have welcomed some new stallholders and shoppers are enjoying the landscaped areas of the Willunga High School with grass areas, seating, and tables to enjoy breakfast and a coffee, shade areas, and shelters. Great atmosphere is generated by the coming together of our farmers, producers, and community to share and celebrate delicious local food. Many new members of the market say they enjoy the atmosphere of the market at the High School.

Why are the stalls so spread out?
Making effective use of the available space is important and valued by stallholders and shoppers due to the pandemic.  Power resources also play a part in the layout of the Market.
The layout is regularly reviewed in line with restrictions, feedback, and seasonality of producers.

We are incredibly grateful to the Willunga High School partnership to make the school site as Market friendly as possible and appreciate the well cared for, landscaped environment that we have access to.

How can we connect with the High Street and other markets?
As always, we encourage all our shoppers to explore Willunga including High Street, the Willunga Quarry Market, Hand Made Artisan Market, and other special events such as the Chilli Fest in our regular communications – website, social media, and newsletters.

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