Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Farmers Scholarship

Scholarship Winner 2015

Kate Washington

Where were you on your journey before applying for WFM Scholarship?

I had started a small market garden and was growing vegetables and herbs. I had a very limited distribution through a box system. The scale at which I was growing was not economically sustainable. I maintained off-farm income to support my “farming habit”.


What prompted you to apply?

I had been a regular customer at the market and through the newsletter and word of mouth I was made aware of the scholarship and its affiliated opportunities (financial, training, access to market). I was encouraged to apply by a few of the stallholders who were aware I had started my own market garden and that I was struggling to make it a productive venture.

I was unable to access any grants or loans for farm inputs. Such opportunities simply didn’t, and still don’t, exist for micro-business owners in the agricultural sector.


What did winning the scholarship mean for your business / you personally?

As the sole owner/operator of the market garden, I required a less intensive distribution outlet for my produce. The box system required a lot of coordination with customers, which ate into a lot of time that otherwise should have been used in improving efficiencies of production on farm. The guaranteed stall, and assistance with stall fees, meant I had more certainty in being able to sell my produce on a weekly basis.

I was able to establish a regular customer base, and my business was also promoted with the marketing/promotion done through the market. I gained access to marketing advice through my mentor as well, which was highly useful and helped me develop my brand.

I needed to increase my output by increasing the amount of land under production. I couldn’t finance such an expansion at the time. The money received through the grant allowed me to do so which increased production. I also had access to a mentor with extensive market gardening experience. She assisted me in determining how best to manage the production side. She also helped me troubleshoot issues, and was present for me to throw ideas around with.

In short, the grant and mentoring allowed me to make a real go of it. Without it, I never would have gotten it off the ground.

Personally, it reduced the stress load in distributing my produce and being able to fund my expansion without getting into debt. I felt supported in developing and implementing my business by both the administration and community associated with the market.


What does it mean to you now?

Still, the scholarship remains as one of the pivotal turning points in my life. The opportunity to become a market gardener, increasing my experience and expertise in the field of growing organic produce and becoming a regular member of the market family, has set me up for ongoing professional and personal opportunities.


How did the mentoring offered to you as part of the scholarship impact on your business?

See answer above (what did winning the scholarship mean for you…)


What advice would you give to potential/future WFM Scholarship applicants?

This is a fantastic opportunity to reach your potential in a community environment in what can be otherwise, a very lonely industry. Primary production requires a lot of hard work and commitment, often with very limited returns. The scholarship helps to ease some of those hardships, through financial help as well the support of your mentors. Importantly, you are embraced as part of a community that loves what you are doing. You will receive ongoing recognition each week at the market, for your hard work and love of producing on the land. Your customers will let you know, through their committed patronage at your stall and will remind you each week why you do what you do.

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