Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Farmers Scholarship

Worms of Willunga

Willunga Farmers Market Scholarship Winners Emily Frahn and Chad Freak

Scholarship Winner 2022

Worms of Willunga - Emily Frahn and Chad Freak

On Saturday, 6 August 2022 Chad and Emily were awarded the 8th Willunga Farmers Market Farmers Scholarship for their startup Worms of Willunga business venture.

Developed in 2014 in response to the declining number of farmers in the industry nationwide, the Willunga Farmers Market Scholarship is our contribution to ensuring the future of farming on the Fleurieu Peninsula. The $15,000 scholarship, with support from the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board is awarded to encourage farming on the Fleurieu Peninsula by an emerging business.

Worms of Willunga is located on Willunga Hill, just minutes from the township.  Their vision is to divert local organic matter into top quality vermicompost that can be shared with the local community – to create their own healthy soils and grow their own healthy food. Chad and Emily are passionate about sharing their knowledge and skills with others to empower them to create, grow and develop their own garden spaces with rich bio-available nutrients for their soils.

“We are excited about being part of a thriving community and look forward to being at the market in early Autumn 2023” said Chad

Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board Chair David Greenhough congratulated Chad and Emily for their vision to build a sustainable and successful local business.

“The Willunga Farmers Market scholarship opens up farming to anyone with a great idea and the energy to make it happen” he said.

Chad Freak
0427 712 825

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