Willunga High School, Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172

Open Every Saturday — 8am til 12 noon

Meet our Producers

Fleurieu Milk Company

Fleurieu Milk Company

Location: Myponga (22kms)
Category: Dairy
Trading at WFM since: 2006
Attendance: Weekly

Fleurieu Milk Company was founded by three local farming families: Geoff and Louise Hutchinson, Barry (Bazz) and Merridie Clarke, and Chris and Karen Royans. Each family had witnessed the decline in the dairy industry, as many of their neighbours being forced to wind up operations because of the decline in farmgate milk prices. They wanted to give themselves and their families a shot at a successful future in dairying and also offer something different – milk like it used to taste.

In 15 years, Fleurieu Milk has grown into a recognisable and sought-after brand, with its bright logos unmistakable. Initially, the humble range included a few different types of creamy white milk. Today, there are more than 50 products in the range, including flavoured milk, cream and yoghurt, in addition to the different styles and sizes of white milk. Fleurieu Milk produces 1 million litres of milk per month, which continues to increase.

Contact Details

Producer Information

Carly Lane


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